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Who we are!​
Company dedicated to Locksmith in General, Locks, Access controland Automation of Garage Doors and Maintenance.
*We offer a wide range of installation and repair services, among which the following stand out:

Conversión de cerradura gorjas a perfíl europeo.DIERRE - KIUSO -ERRERO

multilook seguridad

Automatización de puertas todos los modelos.

Puerta basculante contrapesos
residencial acanalada1.

Reparaciones y mantenimiento.

Mantenimiento de puertas de garaje en madrid
  • Repair of automatic garage doors and metal closures.
  • Door automation.
  • instalación accesorios   (electocerraduras, fotocélulas de seguridad, semáforos, cables de acero, _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_bearings, pulleys, sheaves,  etc...).
  • Garage controls, personalized codes,access control.
  • Garage door maintenance a communities and individuals.
  • Conditioning to Regulations.
Automation And maintenance. Electric lock,  control panels.

Locksmiths and locks in Madrid.


  • Door opening.
  • Installation and repair of locks all models.
  • Mechanical locks.
  • electronic locks.
  • Door repair all models.
  • Interior doors.
  • exterior doors
  • Covers with structure and polycarbonates.
  • Door closer springs, intercoms, panic bars.
  • Locksmith hardware.
  • Jobs to Administrators and companies.
      *ANTI DRILL.
      *ANTI PICK.

Cerraduras y Puertas de Garaje.
Our service is Fast, Efficient and Economical. 
It makes our company   capable of offering you high quality  in repairs and installations. So our goal is as follows:    "Offer the best service in the shortest possible time and at a reasonable price".
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